Your Change is Going to Come.

I want to talk with you today about change.  It’s an inevitable part of life, yet sometimes it seems so hard. Changing relationships, careers, community, environment, health, emotions, mental states can really wreak havoc on the best-laid plans.

Sometimes you just want to quit.

I have something very personal I want to share today.

This past year, has been one of those upheaval and transformational times for me too.   While we were going through the trials of getting things right in the University, I was also helping my mother through a series of health challenges that put her in the hospital over 20 times between August and May.  For a while during this time last year,

I was going to the emergency room every two weeks, over 72 visits.

During this time, I also got a divorce and lost my two biggest clients on the same day.

So why am I telling you this?  Definitely not to make you feel anything but joy for sharing because while these experiences could have been devastating, I was primarily able to maintain a calm emotional state through the change (yes, there were some very anxious times, but they were relatively short lived)

I could have buried my head in the sand and said “Why me?”

But our clients, people like you, needed more help to get through their own challenges.

And for that I am grateful.

You see, massive change can cause great creativity.  So what did I do?

Well, I put my full effort into making the University the best resource for helping people make change happen that I could. We developed great new ways of helping people manage changes that are going on.  We debuted the Inner Circle the most cost-effective change, producing coaching group.   The list goes on and on.

In a few short weeks, we will be debuting the new Success IQ University community- where people are making change happen.  You are one of those people, and we’re proud to know you.

If change is happening in your life right now, you’re going to be ok.

We’ll do it together…