Paws and Success: Unleashing the Wisdom Dogs Teach Us About Achieving Greatness

Paws and Success: Unleashing the Wisdom Dogs Teach Us About Achieving Greatness The Quick Version – Key Points to Take Away Dogs exemplify enthusiasm and passion for goals, inspiring dedication. Their resilience teaches us to bounce back from setbacks. Loyalty to the journey emphasizes the value of commitment and perseverance. Present-moment focus fosters concentration and…

9 Things To Look For If You Want to Stay Out of the Destructive Narcissist Web

9 Things To Look For If You Want to Stay Out of the Destructive Narcissist Web

Originally published on They have “something” about them. It’s an “it” factor that makes you want to know more. Maybe it’s a great smile, confident posture or a funny wit. Or maybe they attract attention in the room – either by being overly brazen or quietly commanding. They have wonderful stories, great adventures and…

Breakdown? Or Breakthrough?

“Worry is a waste of energy” The year was 1984 and Iwas a year out of high school.  Having decided that I was grown up enough to live in my own apartment, (even though I couldn’t really afford it), with a rusty old ugly green sedan for transportation, I muddled through.  Working a part time job…

Slow down to speed up

Just finished watching the movie Peaceful Warrior.  (If you haven’t seen it, go grab a copy at the DVD store.  It’s one you’ll want to see more than once). In the movie, Dan, the main character, has a very busy life. He’s a young college student and athlete, bound for the Olympics, he trains hard,…