Tag: Stress Relief

More Time. More Focus. More Love. Less Stress.

woman wearing sweater near yellow Labrador retriever

One Bark Is Not Enough: The Power of Follow-Through

Have you ever promised something but failed to follow through? It happens to the best of us, but let’s dive into why follow-through is not just a nice-to-have but an absolute game-changer in personal and professional life. Why Follow-Through Matters Imagine this: You tell your dog to fetch a ball, but you don’t throw it.…
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3 Ways to Regret-Proof Your Life

This message isn’t for everyone. In fact it’s not for most people. Several years ago, I fell to my knees – my eyes were filled with tears. Why? I lost a beloved mentor…here’s the story and one powerful lesson to help you live a life without regret: My friend and mentor Larry died raking leaves…
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10 Ways to Get More Done with Less Stress

When it comes to getting things done in your business, do you find yourself drowning in overwhelm?  Do you feel frustrated or confused by trying to figure out where to start or what comes next?  Is procrastination the default for handling your stress? It doesn’t have to be that way.

10 Ways to Attack the Email Monster

Every day, we get questions from smart, successful, self-employed professionals who want more in their business and their lives.  Today, we attack the email monster… Janice asks: Ack! Help! What do I do with all this email? There’s only one thing I hate worse than mopping the floors … …and that’s dealing with the endless…
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Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work

Dallas is a beautiful town, I think. I wouldn’t know because I’ve been in a  hotel conference boardroom with a speaker client doing a 2 Day Turnaround session to clarify her business message and clear her head. We’re knee deep in “stuff” and it’s a blast getting everything organized into a plan. Just as I…
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How do I prioritize all the stuff I have to do?

I get questions all the time about how to get more done with less stress. This week, Nancy asks: Q: Nancy asks, “How do I prioritize what’s important, when it all seems so urgent?” A: You know I’ve got a list right now of 234 tasks that I absolutely want to get done. The question…
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Stop wasting time!

Today was a weird day.  It started out with me being wide awake for most of the night, thoughts dancing through my head, trying to convince me that something was seriously wrong.  Sort of like the tail wagging the dog, my brain had control of my emotions and random thoughts turned into full blown stories…
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Whooo hoooo! It’s here!

What’s the most important thing you need to know about putting yourself and your company on the fast track?

Getting more clients? Nope.

Learning social media? Nope.

Getting sales training? Nope.

Understanding the internet? Nope.

10 Ways to Get Alot More Done With A Lot Less Stress

When it comes to getting things done in your business, do you find yourself drowning in overwhelm?  Do you feel frustrated or confused by trying to figure out where to start or what comes next?  Is procrastination the default for handling your stress?  It doesn’t have to be that way.

Attack Strategies for Email Sanity

There’s only one thing I hate worse than mopping the floors… …and that’s dealing with the endless emails that come into my inbox.