
More Time. More Focus. More Love. Less Stress.

Stop Procrastinating-Make Decisions

Wondering how to get moving?  Well, the first step in dealing with procrastination is to Chunk It Down.  That means break it down into little baby steps to overcome overwhelm first.  Next, you must make choices in your life that are correct for YOU!  This video shows exactly how to use the system that helps…
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Turn Down the Negative Voice – 13 Vital Traits of Super Effective People. Stephanie Frank is the fresh face of success when it comes to being more productive at work, more effective with your relationships, and happy in work and life.

Systems for Success

Stephanie Frank is the fresh face of success when it comes to being more productive at work, more effective with your relationships.

5 Steps to Create Solid, Powerful Goals

You know where you want to go, but how do you get there? You may find that making some decisions is easier than others. What do you do first? How long will it take? Will you need help getting there? How do you decide what’s right for you? It helps if you understand what makes…
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5 Lessons from The Julie/Julia Project

I went to see the movie Julie & Julia for the second time yesterday, and once again, felt completely inspired.  There are so many principles in the movie that are not only heartwarming, but are also such great life lessons that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take two of my friends for the ride.…
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Here’s how I knew Kris would win American Idol….

If you follow American Idol, you know that this year’s battle between rockers Adam Lambert and Kris Allen was a thrilling, exciting ride.  Here you have two people with great talent, and completely opposite approaches to music.  It seemed to most that Adam was the hands-down winner. Up until the show started, I thought so…
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